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An Old Rhapsody
Sunday, December 14, 1997
Length: 4:24
Size: 25 KB
4/4 time, 120 bpm
File: rhapsody.mid
It's a medley, of sorts.
Saturday, November 29, 1997
Length: 2:21
Size: 10 KB
4/4 time, 110 bpm
A transition between electronic rock and calm, smooth orchestration.
Lost Underground
Friday, November 28, 1997
Length: 1:55
Size: 5 KB
4/4 time, 74 bpm
Using a common riff for this type of theme, a swing hi-hat changes things up.
Wood Night
Tuesday, December 16, 1997
Length: 3:04
Size: 27 KB
4/4 time, 130 bpm
This is a very early version of what evolved into the piece, 'Wood Night' in the music section.
2214 Extras: Page 6
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