Old Rants
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Did you know?!
If you sqeeze a cat, caramel comes out? It's true, just don't hurt the cat.Tired of whining and drowning one's sorrows in a bowl of lumpy oatmeal, the time soon comes to strap on the pilot bunz and bounce over to the drawing board, now covered with lobsters. Time to brush off those damn lobsters and take another crack at it!!!!!Did you hear that, LynxofCP, Zane, Atropos, Doitsujin, Jup, and that crazy guy from Arby's?!!!!!! Yeah, that's right.2214, like a bad case of the bum lumps, just won't go away forever. Get ready for some painful sittin' down, because it's coming back.

Takin' a break

Okay.... I'm taking a vacation from 2214... but... now there's a definite time table.
The next update will be on October 5th.

Extra Page

Page 37 is a bonus page, which means there will be another full-length page done this weekend.This has been a busy week so far... with the hackers and the extra pages and the music and the art. Whew.


Recently, someone attempted to hack this site. I turned over the IP logs to my host . While the hackers made an attempt, they failed miserably. To the script kiddies (would-be hackers): I will press charges if we catch you. Also, I make daily backups to multiple machines (no joke), so if anyone were to succeed in taking down the site, it would be restored in a matter of minutes.
Hey, head on over to the MP3 section to hear some new additions! Also, there's some sheet music available for some of the songs.

Chapter three begins

Whew. I'm tired.... Chapter 3 is started; page 36 is done.Hey, head on over to the MP3 section to hear some new additions! Also, there's some sheet music available for some of the songs.

New MP3's!

Hey, head on over to the MP3 section to hear some new additions! Also, there's some sheet music available for some of the songs.Still working on getting chapter three started... hopefully the new page will be up tonight or tomorrow sometime. Something I've discovered in the past two weeks is how awesome Angel Moxie is. I link to it for a reason, you know. It's my personal favourite.

The forums are DEAD

The forums are about as lively as an old boot fished out of the Ohio river. Please breathe some life into them. The guest comics were supposed to go up this week and I'd speculate that's either going to happen soon or they'll be crammed in the middle of Chapter three (which never goes over well with the readers).So... everything else is on schedule.... and with the three-day weekend maybe there will be something extra.

6 months old

2214 is exactly six months old today. For Chapter three, an upgraded drawing style will be used... the backgrounds should be as they are now but the characters will be more "Manga-style" than before.There is a new feedback form below; use it to shoot quick emails to the crew here.Sometime mid-week, there will be one or two guest comics, as a break between chapters (note that chapter three should still start this weekend).

Old Rants
Page 26 of 37

2214 VN Scene 16 - Ready!
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