Plans for the eventual remake

Howdy. As the original 2214 saga continues, I'm also working on ideas for how to create the remake. At this point, it's up in the air whether a full remake should be done, or whether a prequel or an additional series should be created to expand the storyline. Honestly, I can't decide.

In other news, this site never gets into politics. If you live in the U.S., however, and you are of voting age, I urge you to vote - if you haven't already - before or on November 4. It's important stuff, no matter where your views are. Remember - and I hope this doesn't get me in trouble - there are more than two; there are six.

There's a big project I'm working on currently that's pushing back 2214 updates by a week or two, but once it is finished I'll be moving forward with the comic updates again.

2214 Extras: Page 6
January '25 Updates
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