2214 reboot - as a visual novel!

As usual, it has been quite a while since I've updated this space.

The other day (Saturday), I had a sudden inspiration to write a visual novel "engine" and thought that the story from "2214" would benefit greatly from a total reboot in a visual novel format.

When I first started writing the story for 2214, I had imagined it as a video game. Specifically, I had imagined it as an RPG but, at the time, I didn't have the programming skills to build an actual video game. Even now, I cannot yet build a fully featured RPG-style video game but, after years of doing web development professionally, I was finally able to build a visual novel system which is a cross between a video game and a manga-style presentation.

When 2214 was first posted online in 2003 (a single page was done in 2002 but re-drawn), web comics were popular and it was the best format option at the time. 2214 was, however, horribly constrained by the manga / comic format. The story and pacing suffered as a result. Additionally, at the time, my drawing skills were not quite as developed.

Updates for the new 2214 VN will start soon and it will be hosted at http://www.virulyde.com, which some may remember was the original home of the web comic (and this site). The other web comics will still eventually get updates, eventually.

Stay tuna'd!

2214 Extras: Page 6
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