Musical Summer

This summer has been full of music projects but rather devoid of art and web comic updates.

I recently purchased the Roland Sound Canvas VA, which is the software synth equivalent of my trusty old rack mount SC-880. Since I had switched over to using software synths, a lot of the sounds I commonly used on the Sound Canvas hardware were missing from my newer stuff. Now my collection of software synths truly feels complete since I no longer lack any of the instrument and percussion sounds I used on the hardware synths.

Enough MIDI geek stuff, though. To be honest, I'll probably get back to drawing but as far as the music stuff goes, I prefer to strike while the iron is hot. It's likely that at least a few more new tracks will appear on this site before the end of the summer.

I know I've been a bit lazy with the site news updates (the last one was from January). The forums are quiet again, which was expected after the huge surge of activity earlier this year after their initial re-launch.

Aside from music and the normal web development work, I have not been up to much besides watching a few anime series here and there. Really, though, I just can't get enough of playing around with the cool sounds on vintage software synths. Sound Canvas VA, SampleTank, and Proteus VX have become my go-to synths for general sounds.

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