The 2214 Visual Novel Continues!

If you have not already, check out the latest updates on the 2214 Visual Novel. Chapter 2 has started and some minor revisions to the original story have been introduced in order to better explain certain aspects of the setting.

Although I've been busy with freelance work (which is, of course, a good thing), I have been putting in at least an hour or two of work on this project almost every day.

In other news, a blast from the past: The album, "The Pleiades-47 Sessions", from 2002, is now available on Bandcamp!

Another project in which I'm involved is a parody reading of the 1998 JRPG "Xenogears" (by which 2214 is heavily inspired). Our group reads a parody script written by "The Dark Id". The videos are available on the KillrodX YouTube Channel but please be advised that some of the humor and language can be a bit PG-13.

On some weekends, I do live streams of drawing (especially for background and assets for the 2214 VN) on my YouTube Channel. If you are not already subscribed, I would greatly appreciate it. If you have time, please drop in some time during the streams!

2214 Extras: Page 6
January '25 Updates
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