Browser Compatibility Update

The latest revision of has been tested in Firefox in Windows and Linux; it has also been tested in IE 7 for Windows. Usability was tested in IE 6 although has officially ceased full support for IE 6. Even so, the site should be usable.

The main menus at the top of the page do not drop down in IE 6 due to the way CSS is implemented (limited support for the :hover pseudo-class). To compensate for this, another menu has been added to the side column that provides all of the links on the site. This menu does, however, require javascript, so if you are running IE 6 without javascript enabled, you will not be able to fully navigate the site.

I have not tested the site in Opera. If you use Opera and you find that the site's layout / functionality is partially inoperable, please contact me and let me know what you are experiencing.

Additionally, if you're a Mac user, your feedback is also needed. I have asked some other Mac / Opera / IE users to help test, but the more the merrier.

2214 Extras: Page 6
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