Broken CSS

I don't know how the CSS suddenly became broken but I'm working on fixing it in IE. It appears fine in Firefox and has for a long time. IE was displaying it well but unfortunately in IE8 it is broken and requires compatibility mode.

Now that this has been discovered, I am working on fixing the CSS to be up to standard.


It turns out that the conditional CSS I was using for IE was the culprit (except for one minor HTML detail which I also corrected). Changing the conditional comment fixed the problem; IE8 defaults to standards mode instead of quirks mode, apparently.

Readers using IE7 will still get the IE-specific CSS. Although I try to support IE6 on sites I build for my work, does not officially support IE6. This means the site will still function but it may have a few display glitches.

On the next version of the site, the front end will be built for web standards and W3C compliance. Based on the site statistics, most readers are using IE 7, IE 8, or Firefox. It's also important to note that this site officially supports Google's Chrome browser as well.

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