Forum System Re-Write


I was planning on updating the 2214 web comic this week but two new rather large freelancing projects have started. The new forums system is nearing completion but I cannot yet predict when the new freelancing projects will conclude.

( end update )

The forums system is going to get a major overhaul. The current system, code-named "Tuna Neet", was written in the Spring of 2006.

All active user accounts and all posts made since the forum reset will be retained. The database structure won't change much but all of the backend code will be completely rebuilt.

The new system should be faster, easier to use, look nicer, and have more features.

The completion of the new system is anticipated in September. If things go really well, it may be finished before that.

As far as other items on my schedule, the 2214 animation project is currently on hold. Updates to the 2214 web comic will continue during the forum re-write project but will probably be twice a month or every other week. We will have to see how things go.

The early 2214 page re-draws are on hold during all of this. After 2214's anticipated completion at the end of 2010 (or early 2011 if things are delayed), the re-draws will continue until chapter 2 is completely re-drawn. Chapter 3 onward will retain the original artwork except, perhaps, a few panels or pages being revised.

Drop in the old forums to suggest new features you'd like to see in the revised forum system.

2214 Extras: Page 6
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