The Animation is COMPLETE!

Howdy, everyone. It has been a while since my last rant column. Of course, I've been busy finishing the big animation project that was started in late February 2010 and it is now finished! Check it out in the video section or watch it in HD on YouTube.

A lot has happened in the course of this project; I upgraded to Adobe CS4 Production Premium initially because of it. The software upgrade led me to add more RAM to my system which led me to upgrade to Windows 7 64-bit (to use more than 4GB of RAM). Installing Windows 7 was impossible on the current hardware so I tried a BIOS update - which bricked my motherboard and caused me to have to buy a new motherboard which also meant new RAM and a new CPU.

Of course, with Windows 7 finally working on the new hardware (this was all in March 2010, by the way) there was some old software that no longer worked so I also upgraded to Cakewalk Music Creator 5 - which, in the process, led me to begin using modern software synthesizers and is what led to the new sound in my more recent music projects.

So... a very expensive software and hardware upgrade, a cumulative four to five months of animation and music work, and nearly two years later, it is finally complete. I hope it's not total crap.

So... what's next? More 2214 comic updates, of course... as well as new art. 2214 is expected to conclude some time in 2012 if I keep a regular update schedule. Comic updates were on hold during this last stretch of animation work but I'll resume work on the comic soon - perhaps during but most likely after the holidays.

2214 Extras: Page 6
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